viktor (16)

How to secure Apache2 webserver with SSL

Nowadays every major website operates over HTTPS, aka have that little padlock next to the URL in our browsers. It means that we can establish a secure connection with the webserver, and all of the traffic is encrypted. In this port I’m going to describe…

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LVM – Logical Volume Management in Linux

With the implementation of LVM we can reallocate storage space and extend our storage volumes really easily. In the example below I’d like to show how. Keep in mind that these examples are for learning purposes only, it doesn’t make a lot of sense in…

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iptables – NAT MASQUERADING in Linux

In a previous post I wrote about how can we accomplish NAT with Cisco devices. This time let’s examine how can we implement the same thing in Linux with the topology below. Basically we’re going to turn our Kali1 machine into a router which is…

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Configuring MPLS – Part 2

After finishing the MPLS configuration in this post, I thought to take a closer look at the MPLS network, especially the labels: with the help of Wireshark we can examine how the labels are being inserted, switched and eventually removed at the edge routers. I…

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